'Kissos (κισσός) - Ying.Yang'
Clay, ivy, ink and acrylics.
15.7 X 11 X 7.8 inch
This sculpture intertwines the studies of the Artist that touch on Plato's poem Teeteto, meditational practices and natural patterns and features of Ivy plant as symbol of the ancient Greek deity Dioniso.
"As my spirit comes from a mixture of earth and air, within Earth I Breath and Earth speaks to me as an -On. A term indicated by Plato to identify an element of knowledge, not what is known but what allows acknowledgement of natural entities, like the root -on of the word Ontology which concerns the knowledge of being (in the philosophical sense of the word): the object in itself. This sculpture is what exists halfway between Life, Earth, and Death. I tend to translate the reality around me based on subjective interpretations that are linked to a universal approximations of natural element qualities that I can also sense when I meditate."
Price on request
Mixedmedia. Canvas
115 X 85 X 4 cm
Serie In Statu Nascendi. Painting featured in The Art Districts platform.
A diachronic composition that intertwins the statue of winged victory of the Parco della Rimembranza in Turin, with natural elements such as ancient Egyptian typical lotuses and random natural elements.
"A diachronic composition that intertwines the statue of the winged victory of the Parco della Rimembranza in Torino hills with natural patterns developed by the artist. Photosynthesis (a word that includes also the ancient greek philosophical term 'Ph.y.sis') refers to the enigmatic natural process by which plants transform sunlight into nourishment, that, the artist asserts, reflect the reality of what human beings do, without being aware: "however majestic, everything artificial returns to be covered by Nature, being Nature the real axiom for each theorem that man thinks to have developed throughout Plato's legacy."
Price on request
Oil, pigments, dyes, acrylics and charcoal on canvas
180 X 150 X 4 cm
In Statu Nascendi, pt.5 - English full version for Medium Blog official account. Extract:
"...this painting is inspired by the Udjat eye, symbol of good health and well-being in the ancient Egyptian / Nubian culture.This symbol combines human and animal features, represents also the stylized shape of the pineal gland. According to Egyptian sincretic aspects of the mythological culture, the right eye of a deity was the Sun, while the left eye was the Moon. Seth, during his fight for supremacy, injured his brother's eye which was then healed by the medical skill of the writing power of Thoth. Name 'Udjat' , from hieroglyphic transliterations can take on also meanings as "whole" or "in good health" and evokes the victory of forces of good against chaos, triumph of life over the concept of nothingness. For me, contemporary speaking, of Natural backgrounds over cities. It had to guarantee the physical integrity of the deceased after death and allows one's Ba to observe within thyself..."
Full version out soon on www.albertoballocca.medium.com
Price on request
'The Sands of Taym'
Mixedmedia on canvas
70 X 90 X 4 cm
The Sands of Taym graphically resembles the word "time," as pronounced in English.
In the creation of the first graphic signs called 'proto-glyphs' of various archaic cultures such as the Egyptian, Chinese, and Minoan (around 4500 - 1600 BC) ancient scribes captured, composed, and intertwined first signs as linked to internal visions of external approximations, adopting them to alphabetize the experience of reality, which, fused with time, determines the perception of the spatial dimension too. Neurobiologists have identified in migratory birds some brain areas involved in recognizing the position of stars. It is plausible that these are referable to some regions of the human brain involved in the recognition of graphemes and alphabetic letters. Since reading and writing date back only a few thousand years, while those brain regions are millions of years old, we can assume that they originally had the function of establishing generic geometric references, as for the movement of birds concerning the stars, and perhaps, the spatial and architectural perception of the human being.
'Ullikummi and the Golden Storm'
Oil, pigments, acrylics, drawing collages and sprays on canvas
33.4 X 57 X 1.5 inch
"This artwork is inspired by different lectures on Hesiod theogony. The storm god Teshub, along with his brother Tasmisu, initially fails to defeat Ullikummi. Eventually, the god Ea intervenes by cutting Ullikummi loose from Upelluri's shoulder, which weakens the stone monster. The myth ends with the assumption that Ullikummi is finally defeated, although the exact details are lost to history.
The story of Ullikummi has parallels with Greek mythology, particularly the myth of Typhon, the monstrous adversary of Zeus. This connection highlights the shared themes and influences between ancient Near Eastern and Greek mythologies."
Price on request
House paint, acrylic, pastels, sprays, collages and digital metering on canvas.
79 X 79 X 2 inch
The artist's Chariot is Itinerant within the Golden Ratio.
Via Colonna Contemporary Gallery
Price on request
'Isorropìa Oracular (ἔλεγχος)'
Mixedmedia on canvas
145 X 95 X 4 cm
"During her state of altered consciousness, the Pytia had the faculty to expose symbolic sentences existing in a fragment of collective memory exuding an indefinite amount of states and possibilities of happening."
Price on request
Mixedmedia on canvas
60 X 42 X 4 inch
Exhibited in the duo show Nature & Love' curated by Master Ruha Gallery. N. 18, Rudong Road, district of Shinan, Qingdao city, Shandong - Beijing, Qingdao, China.
Price on request
Oil, acrylics and sprays on canvas. SIgned on the front.
65 X 45 X 4 cm
Exhibited in the duo show Nature & Love' curated by Master Ruha Gallery. N. 18, Rudong Road, district of Shinan, Qingdao city, Shandong - Beijing, Qingdao, China.
Price on request
Mixedmedia on canvas
38 X 34 X 1.5 inch
"Geb is an ancient Egyptian deity known as the god of the Earth. Unlike many other mythologies where the Earth is often personified as a female figure, Geb is represented as a male figure. He is the son of Tefnut (moisture) and Shu (air), and the husband of Nut (the sky). Together, they had five children: Haroeris, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys.
Geb is associated with vegetation, fertility, and dominion over animals. He is also linked to the underworld, Duat, as it was believed that he trapped souls to prevent them from ascending to the sky. In the Hellenistic period, Geb was identified with the Greek titan Cronus."
Price on request
34 X 24 X 1.5 inch
Private Collection in Berlin.
"Nefertiti was an ancient Egyptian queen and the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. She is one of the most famous and intriguing figures from ancient Egypt, known for her beauty and her influential role in the religious revolution led by her husband.
Nefertiti's full name was Neferneferuaten Nefertiti, which means "Beautiful are the Beauties of Aten, the Beautiful One has Come." She and Akhenaten are best known for their attempt to shift Egyptian religion towards the worship of a single deity, Aten, the sun disk. This period is often referred to as the Amarna Period.
One of the most iconic representations of Nefertiti is the famous bust discovered in 1912, which is now housed in the Neues Museum in Berlin. The bust has become a symbol of ancient Egyptian beauty and artistry."
Acrylics, oil, wall paint, dyes, pigments, marker, oil pastels and sprays on canvas
65 X 52 X 4 cm
- Private collection
In Statu Nascendi, pt.6 - Full version available on Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon - 11.11.2024
"Phoenix Dactilifera is the scientific name of the most common plant in Egypt, a particular palm tree. Light can be synthesized in the root 'Pho' of photon, and night, in the immersive Greek 'Nyx', the conjunction & is included in the package; but the reference is the lighting in darkness, as well as the Phoenix which symbolizes 'rebirth'; an implicit concept in the words that are generated in translation. Pho, as root of Phos, Greek translation of 'light', which is also the unit of measurement of what science defines 'light', or electromagnetic radiation. It might be interesting enough to make you smile, but the truth is that what really matters is how natural its power is love, because talking about love is talking about istants, these two terms 'pho' and 'nyx' are istants and not roots of words. Aeternal elements of spiritual sublimation."
80 X 60 X 4 cm
"Ci energy pervades the cosmos and scientist identified some areas in submarine creatures involved in recognizing the position of stars. It is plausible that these areas can be referred to some regions of the human brain involved in the recognition of graphemes and alphabetic letters.
Symbol of circle identifies circles, building verb 'to circle' before the graphic sign of the vowel ' o ' (ita tr. 'Cerchi.o') which is - again - a circle.
While speaking, meanings exudes throughout words as CI energy between plants and natural elements. Graphic aspect of letters is the only element that can make the difference in the criticism of the meanings deducible between various words; beyond any speculation, truth is never within but between. As a middle way, each circle ends within each other circle."
Price on request
'Master of the Heat - συλλαβή'
60 X 40 X 4 cm
Private Collection
"Each of us comes from the Heat. Each of us is a little part of the Elements. Every thing except each syllable."
'Segnali di Virtù per il Bambino (Θεαίτητος)'
Mixedmedia on canvas
145 X 80 X 4 cm
The Theaetetus is an ancient dialogue by Plato attributable to the phase of his maturity, which can be dated between 386-367 BC.
The philosopher states that it is impossible to consider any science as true except in reference of 'being', that is, the idea.
This discussion is aimed at denying the epistemological subjectivity of the sophistry movement, who believed that it was the senses that determined knowledge, something that Plato firmly denies: for the philosopher, knowledge is achieved through dianoia (διάνοια); union and connection between different cultures. .
Price on request
'Bouquheat Plantasia'
Mixedmedia on canvas
42 X 65 X 4 inch
Inspired by the music album Plantasia by Mort Garson.
Price on request
Mixedmedia on canvas.
23 X 17 X 1.5 inch
This canvas is titled ‘OnYOn’, because just like the onion, it presents multiple layers as multiple overlapping meanings.
On, is a term indicated by Plato to identify an element of knowledge, not what is known but what allows acknowledgement of natural entities, like the root -on of the word Ontology which concerns the knowledge of being (in the philosophical sense of the word): the object in itself.
In the Italian language, verb occupies the place of the sentence that indicates, of the subject, its actions. Each of us is the result of one actions, and if this is true then, what one does, also shapes others, but not based on the original intent, but on the action performed and this is the problem, especially if related to new technologies.
Price on request
'Natural Form (αναδυόμενες δυνατότητες)'
Mixedmedia on paper
19 X 11 X 1.5 inch
"Quel dio, Vertumno, il cui nome si adatta a molte forme, non era ancora chiamato dall'arginare il fiume. Immagina di voler insegnare a un computer a riconoscere le immagini di enti, ma invece di scrivere un programma che descriva ogni possibile caratteristica di un ente, fornisci al computer molte immagini di enti e non-enti. Ecco la conseguenza più sottile in merito alle previsioni: concordando sul fatto che tutti pensano ciò che è un ente, ammettono, a quanto pare, riguardo alla propria convinzione, sia più o meno vera la convinzione di coloro che hanno opinioni agli altri contrarie; quella cioè in base alla quale essi ritengono che tutti gli altri ritengano il falso. Non ne deriva che sempre una conclusione, che è quindi non-infinita."
Graphite drawings and photographs scans, digital collage and rendering. Ink jet printing on archival paper, 305 gr. 48x33 cm
Price on request
Mixedmedia on paper
19 X 11 X 1.5 inch
Edizione doppia. Materiale di supporto incluso.
"Il dattero del deserto (Balanites aegyptiaca) è una pianta molto adattabile che tollera diversi tipi di suolo, anche sabbiosi e argillosi, così come siccità e saltuarie inondazioni; resiste anche agli incendi grazie alla corteccia molto spessa e alle radici profonde. Questo lavoro unisce questi elementi di ricerca all'elemento dell'aegyptiaka, identificato dagli studiosi come compendio storico fornito dagli antichi storici come Manetone, riguardo diversi aneddoti relativi all'antica cultura Egizia. Fonti di ricerca primaria. La composizione presenta diversi elementi nello sfondo che riportano l'attenzione a diverse stele geroglifiche presenti al Museo Egizio di Torino e studiate dall'artista."
Graphite drawings and photographs scans, digital collage and rendering. Ink jet printing on ULTRA-CHROME HD archival paper, 305 gr. 48x33 cm
Mixedmedia on paper
19 X 12 X 1.5 inch
Sold out -
New editions Available via Gamma.io platform.
Graphite drawings and photographs scans, digital collage and rendering. Ink jet printing on archival paper, 305 gr. 48x33 cm - 19"x12"
- Graphite drawing used for the final compositional approach comes with the artwork.
"A green growth develops on an ocher background, dissimulating the divine figure that man pursues in his relationship with nature. Orama is a greek translation of word ‘vision’ and, and as between two lovers, this vision of Nature becomes a mirror for all those spiritual elements that inhabit my gestures and impulses. Slow drawing and cutting processes first and a quick compositional decisions after scanning draft and sketches, a statuary icon and vegetal patterns, a mental object of investigation about the relation that ancient people had within natural environments, especially through art and natural depictions within an hidden aesthetics sublimation."
Graphite drawing, Photography, Digital Collages, Manual Collages and Digital render
33 X 48 X 4 cm
Sold out
New editions Available via Gamma.io platform.
Graphite drawings and photographs scans, digital collage and rendering. Ink jet printing on archival paper, 305 gr
- Graphite drawing used for the final compositional approach comes with the artwork.
"Euclid was an ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher who lived in Alexandria around 300 BC. He is best known for his work "Elements," which systematically compiled and organized the mathematical knowledge of his time, creating a coherent system now known as Euclidean geometry. The "Elements" have been fundamental to the development of geometry and have influenced many other scientific disciplines."
Gesso, Clay, Sprays, Larch Leaves, 5Volt Led, Iron.
22 X 12 X 10 cm
"Antanairesis, also known as anthyphairesis, is a mathematical concept that dates back to ancient Greek mathematics. It is a method used to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers by repeatedly subtracting the smaller number from the larger one until the remainder is zero. This process is essentially the same as the Euclidean algorithm, which is a fundamental technique in number theory. The concept of antanairesis was used by the ancient Greeks to understand the properties of numbers and their relationships."
Price on request
Iron, Gesso, Alluminium, Collages, Acrylics, 5Volt Led, Concrete.
7.8 X 5.6 X 4.2 inch
"In Japanese, "Jinzo" (人造) means "artificial" or "man-made." This term can be used to describe something that has been manufactured or constructed, such as a robot or an artificial object."
Price on request
Clay, found objects, olive bark, acrylics and ink
15 X 25 X 14.8 cm
Socrate: Chi ha opinioni false, dunque, ritiene che le cose che conosce siano non quelle che sono, ma altre fra quelle che conosce, e così pur conoscendo entrambe le cose, le ignora entrambe?
Teeteto: ma è impossibile, Socrate!
Socrate: E, allora, egli / ella, crede che le cose che non conosce siano altre fra quelle che non conosce ed è possibile che chi non conosce nè Teeteto nè Socrate, arrivi a pensare che Socrate sia Teeteto o che Teeteto sia Socrate?
Teeteto: E come potrebbe?
Socrate: Di certo, almeno, uno non ritiene, credo, che le cose che conosce siano quelle che non conosce, nè all'inverso, che quelle che non conosce siano quelle che conosce.
Teeteto: sarebbe incredibile, in effetti.
Socrate: in che modo, allora, uno potrebbe ancora formarsi delle opinioni false? Al di fuori di queste alternative, è impossibile avere opinioni, penso, dal momento che tutte le cose o le conosciamo o non le conosciamo.
Price on request
'Fuoco / L'etica del Fuoco'
Clay, Wood, Sprays, Concrete, Acrylics & Sprays
13.7 X 5.9 X 4 inch
"I talk a lot about resonance in art, but resonance is really just a dynamic of life in general. In a world of billions of people, countless messaging, and a plethora of decisions going on within us and around us in a given moment, both conscious and unconscious, knowing how to register what resonance feels like is important. Connecting with art fosters this experience. Feeling the intention imbued in a piece by its creator is practice for feeling the intention imbued in life by THE creator – whoever or whatever that is. It’s the subtle connections we make from our past that we bring to the present that give it meaning."
Abstract - 'Like the Death of a Star', conversation with writer, curator and performer Monique Michel (Au)
Price on request
'Petra Genetrix'
Clay, ventilated car-brake, eriobotrya japonico branches, maple bark, acrylics and sprays.
39 X 31 X 15 inch
"Art is the mirror of the impersonal stratum of human Psyche, the ‘Petra Genetrix’ of my-self. This installation combines different elements into a single composition and is partly inspired by the 'mysteries of Mithras' protector of the initiate. Based on the numerous depictions found in the Mithraeum, It was born from a rock identified with term 'Petra Genetrix'. Read more details about my current research and compendium 'In Statu Nascendi' on my official Medium account."
Price on request
Mixedmedia. 5 volt led.
44 X 32 X 8 cm
- Private collection
"Aku Aku is a wooden voodoo mask inside which resides the spirit of an ancient sorcerer which makes him alive and able to move, speak and continue to protect Earth from evil as he did when he was alive.
Aku Aku teams up with Crash and Coco to fight against Doctor Neo Cortex and Uka Uka. To help the two Aku Aku can divide his soul into various parts and spread them across the world, locking them in boxes with his effigy printed on them."
6.3 X 1.8 X 2.5 inch
'Air' has been exhibited in the duo show 'Nature & Love' curated by Master Ruha Gallery. N. 18, Rudong Road, district of Shinan, Qingdao city, Shandong - Beijing, Qingdao, China.
August 2024 - September 2024
Price on request
Mixedmedia. Paper
36 X 24 X 4 cm
Not for sale. Private collection of Museo Materiali Minimi d'Arte Contemporanea - Paestum.
"Kàtagma, in Greek language, means 'fracture' and this work identifyies a clear symbol of opening as well as an inspiration source of some personal meditation about the ancient so called process of antithesis between 'Physis' and 'nomos'. This philosophical concept is expressed through the representation of the symbolic elements defines the composition of Kàtagma. With the 'Sophistry' movement (2nd half of the 5th century) term Physis (Greek translation of Nature) takes on a political value, giving rise to what is nowadays conventionally defined as the antithesis between nature and political structures. Nomos, considered as the primitive 'positive law of the polis', thus defines the identity of a population through the structural compendium of habits and customs, becoming distant and often detached from the urban context, in terms of natural schemes sublimation into social structures. Katagma is the fracture, that exists takes on and between natural entities (physis) and the so-called western civil laws. (nomos)."
Price on request
'Elevation Merge'
Mixedmedia. Paper
19.7 X 11.8 X 1.5 inch
Private Collection.
'Arerit Jutsu'
19.7 X 11.8 X 1.5 inch
"A short interval where it is no longer day but not yet night, when the sky is pervaded by a soft and diffused light. This is the twilight. Arerit. It marks the first stage of the journey through a border location, the Orange Ultra."
Overlying elements applied from a pre-worked HDR ultra chrome ink transfer print on velvet Matt stock paper.
Frame: black / brown or white ayous frame
Certificate of Authenticity: cartaceous or 1 of 1 Non Fungible Token (Nft)
Price on request
'Woodship of Vertumno'
Oil pastels on paper
48 X 33 X 4 inch
Overlying elements applied from a pre-worked HDR ultra chrome ink transfer print on velvet Matt stock paper.
Frame: black / brown or white ayous frame
Certificate of Authenticity: cartaceous or 1 of 1 Non Fungible Token (Nft)
Price on request
Oil, dyes, ascrylics, pigments, graphite drawing and pastels.
17.7 X 11.9 X 1.3 inch
Anthrakas is made with oil pastels, charcoal and acrylics with a gestural and un-controlled approach on dusty paper. Overlying elements applied from a pre-worked HDR ultra chrome ink transfer print on velvet Matt stock paper.
"This work identifies the entity that governs the carbon structure and functioning. Anthrakas is a Greek word that means 'Carbon'."
Frame: black / brown and white ayous frame available.
Price on request
Mixedmedia. Raw paper.
45 X 31 X 4 cm
The ancient Egyptian deity of wind. His name means "He, Who Raises" and derives from his main mythological function: the division of his son Geb, Earth, from his daughter Nut, the Sky - fundamental moment of the creation of the world; based on different inspcriptions interpretations and translations, his name means Dry (reference to the wind that dries) or Empty.
Price on request
'Wild Protector Mehen'
50 X 70 X 4 cm
-Private collection
"The earliest known references to Mehen occur in the Coffin Texts. Mehen is a protective deity who is depicted as a snake which coils around the sun god Ra during his journey through the night, for instance in the Amduat. In the German-Egyptian dictionary by R. Hannig, it is said that the Mehen (mḥn) or the Mehenet (mḥnt) snake is equivalent to the Ouroboros. With its coils, snake Mehen, protected the Sun by wrapping him, like a shield, during his nocturnal journey in the Duat (underworld) or saved him from the evil snake Apopi who. Both deities, in the ancient Egyptian pantheon represented the eternal struggle between good and evil."
'Two Sparks'
Mixedmedia on paper
48 X 33 X 4 cm
- Private collection, Unique Edition
Graphite drawings and photographs scans, digital collage and rendering. Ink jet printing on archival paper, 305 gr
- Graphite drawing used for the final compositional approach comes with the artwork.
"Two reigns as Two Sparks. This artwork is inspired by the Sema-tauy symbol (or sma-taui, or sema knot) that is an ancient Egyptian symbol composed of the intertwining of two plants linked to a sign representing also the trachea and arteries. Lotus flower (typical of Upper Egypt) and the Papyrus (typical of Lower Egypt). This ancient symbol clearly alludes to the event of unification of the two reigns of ancient Egypt under the same power. In royal statuary, this symbol was placed on one of the sides of the cubic throne of the sovereign and sometimes it was also imprinted on an amulet placed on the body of the deceased, signifying the eternal integrity of the body even after death."
Graphite drawing, sprays and paper on wood
33 X 24 X 4 cm
- Private collection.
- Light exposition changes based upon different lights.
"Small format work on paper made with the superimposition of different layers and mediums. Frequency features the ancient Egyptian deity 'Ptah', protector of artisans and the concept of frequencies, as the ones that electronical devices have upon reality perception and nature."
Graphite drawings and photographs scans, digital collage and rendering. Ink jet printing on archival paper, 305 gr
48 X 33 X 4 cm
- 3 Editions Still available
Graphite drawings and photographs scans, digital collage and rendering. Ink jet printing on archival paper, 305 gr
- Graphite drawing used for the final compositional approach comes with the artwork.
"If i mirror myself within a natural spot, within vegetal elements, I will find also what I can call my inner-self, within every organ that composes my body, my physiology. Aristotles invented word physiologists ( ‘fysi / physis / fysis’ ) to identify people that used to contemplate Nature aimed to propose and construct the first legislative forms of politics in the ancient Athens city, and through the relation nature, body, soul, nature has been initially called “Physis”."
Graphite, charcoal, markers, paper, recycled paper
48 X 33 X 2 cm
- Private collection.
"In ancient Greek and Roman cultures, the vase was also an important liturgical element, called 'rhyton'. Rhytòn is a perforated container from which the liquids poured into it could escape to be drunk in ceremonies such as libation. Rhytà were very common in ancient Persia, where they were called takūk. After the Greek victory over the Persians, in 479 BC. many luxury goods including numerous rhytà were brought to Athens as booty and were immediately imitated by greek artists. The word is thought to come from the Greek rhein, "to flow", which, in turn, derives from the Indo-European *sreu-, "flow".
'Atma Victu'
Enamels, drawing collage, sprays and oil on panel
55 X 45 X 4 cm
"Atma Victu is a Sanskrit term of masculine gender, which indicates the "essence" or the "vital breath". This painting is inspired by Junghian theory and totemic sculpture entitled Atma Victu. This painting is included in the compendium 'In Statu Nascendi"
Price on request
'Protocollo del Blu'
Mixedmedia on canvas
70 X 50 X 4 cm
"Each color is an ecosystem in itself. Each shade of a color is the response to the light stimulus. Each poetics behind the use of a specific color, is the reflection of the user, like a reflection on water."
Price on request
Mixedmedia on canvas
38.1 X 34.2 X 1.5 inch
"Philosophically, the concept of polemos was notably explored by the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus. He believed that conflict and strife were essential to the nature of existence. Heraclitus famously stated, "Polemos is the father of all things," suggesting that all change and creation arise from conflict and opposition. This idea emphasizes the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the world, where opposing forces interact to bring about balance and transformation, but Polemos is observed in dis-regards of the deeper meaning between the antithesis physis-nomos."
Price on request
'Matrice Desertica'
Mixedmedia. Canvas. Alluminium.
60 X 40 X 4 cm
Private Collection.
Mixedmedia. Canvas
55 X 35 X 4 cm
Diorite Sekhmet is inspired by the Egyptian Goddess statue of Sekhmet preserved at the Egyptian Museum in Turin and a concept of symbolism stolen by western culture aimed on a non-functional understanding of Eastern wisdom.
Exhibited in London at the Oxo Tower Wharf in the group show “Pandemonium & Order” curated by Cluster London Fairs in November 2022.
Price on request
'The Pyramids Texts'
29.5 X 25.5 X 1.6 inch
- Private Collection
"The Pyramid Texts" are the oldest Egyptian funerary hieroglyphic texts with religious meanings, dating back to the end of the Old Kingdom: the earliest known corpus of ancient Egyptian religious texts. Written in ancient hieroglyphics pictograms, were carved on the underground walls and sarcophagi of the Saqqara pyramids from the end of the fifth dynasty and throughout the sixth dynasty of the Old Kingdom, until the eighth dynasty of the early Intermediate period. These formulas were intended to ensure the protection of pharaoh's remains, reinfuse the spirit into his mummy and ensure his ascension among the gods and reunification with the sun-god Ra (a central idea in the spirituality of the ancient kingdom)."
55 X 48 X 4 cm
"Eurystheus ordered Heracles, as his seventh labor, to capture the bull of Crete; it is still debated whether it was the taurus sent by Eus and who transported Europa to Crete, or the other, who Minos refused to sacrifice to Poseidon and who generated the Minotaur with Pasiphae. When Heracles sailed to Crete, Minos offered him every help in his power, but Heracles preferred to meet the creature alone, although the animal spit flames from its nostrils. After a bitter fight, Heracles brought the bull back to Mycenae, where Eurystheus, dedicating it to Hera, set the animal free."
The archaic sporting ritual of Taurocatapsia is currently considered as the progenitor of modern traditional "Corrida", but without the aspects of man' suppression of the wild animal despite being a ritual older than 3000 years in respect of the modern tradition.
Price on request
'La Tredicesima Fatica'
95 X 89 X 4 cm
- Painting exhibited in Van Der Plas Gallery, New York.
"The twelve trials (in Greek dodekathlos) of Heracles, later Hercules in Roman mythology, are a series of episodes of Greek mythology, later reunited in a single story, which concern the exploits carried out by the hero Heracles to atone for the fact of having made himself guilty of the death of his family. Artwork inspired by the third effort of the ancient Greek hero."
Price on request
'Fear is Ego'
House paint, Pigmented Gold Foil, Silicones, Acrylics, Oil pastels, Tempera and markers
80 X 60 X 4 cm
- Private collection
This painting represents the study of various mediums (acrylics, enamels, silicones, gold foil and more) instinctively applied on the support. Study of the decomposition of form. So called *Ego is the form, what makes us rational beings, fear is included in the package. I broke that down too.
Acrylics, sprays and collages on wood board
60 X 40 X 4 cm
"Term τύχη has the root of τυγχάνω (= to happen) and this gives the term a connotation not only of randomness, but also of inevitability. Significant for understanding this concept is a passage from Sophocles' Ajax' where the theme of inevitability is strengthened by ἀναγκαίας, feminine singular genitive of ἀνάγκη (= necessity). In fact, the Tyche, together with the Moira, is an impersonal force, believed to be able to completely overwhelm lives of men."
'Third Door'
Oil and sprays on wood
80 X 60 X 4 cm
- Private collection
'The Book of Doors appears towards the end of the 18th dynasty and is normally inscribed in the burial chamber, or in the first colonnaded chamber, of many tombs. From the 20th dynasty to the 26th dynasty, the book is also depicted, albeit partially, on wooden sarcophagi.
The name of the composition refers to the 12 doors of the night, or the passage from one hour to another. The most complete versions are found in the tomb of Sethy I and Ramesses VI, describe within the third one. The Book of Doors is reported in several tombs in the Valley of the Kings (reported in chronological order of reign of the "Holders".
'Cleopatra VII'
OIl, acrylics, oil pastels and sprays on wood panel.
75 X 50 X 4 cm
-Private collection
OIl, acrylics, oil pastels and sprays on wood panel.
Acrylics, oil and sprays on panel
70 X 50 X 4 cm
- Private Collection
'Eseis' is a tribute to the feminine divine side of human creativity. This painting has been selected as cover-image for the book 'Better the original rather than digital' for sale via Lulu.com. Eseis is a greek noun modified according to give sense to the word eseis as 'to her' and not 'her', to enhance the sense of giving to and dancing with instead of taking from and controlling human creativity.
Painting jpg cover of 'Better the original rather than the digital' diy book - print on demand by Fidalma Lotti.
'Hexis Filosofica'
Acrylics, drawing collages, sprays and oil pastels on wood
60 X 40 X 4 cm
- Private Collection
"Hexis is a characteristic, capacity or disposition that one 'possesses'; its etymology is the Greek word ekhein, the term used to indicate spiritual property."
'Deus Ex Machina'
Mixedmedia. Canvas.
100 X 70 X 3 cm
- Private collection
"Deus ex machina is a Latin phrase borrowed from the Greek "Mechanè", in ancient Greek: ("apò mēchanḗs theós") which literally means "deity (coming down) from the machine. Originally, it indicates a character from Greek tragedy, or a divinity who appears on the scene to give a resolution to a plot that is now unsolvable according to the classic principles of cause and effect."
'Space Cadet'
Mixedmedia. Wood.
80 X 60 X 4 cm
- Private collection
"Space Cadet" as the first time being an artist. Dive through this universe to come up as a cadet within this city morgue. Art as a guidance, without guilds, space-time float out of the studio. Art is a universal aegis."
'Mitoscopio - m4'
Mixedmedia on wood.
80 X 60 X 4 cm
Mitoscopio - m.4 is the second painting dedicated to the archeological project Medjehu, Investigating Woodcrafts along the Nile.
- Mitoscopio - m.4 elaborates some scientific characteristics symbolically linked to the technical functioning of carbon dating, in relation to the meaning of the Egyptian hieroglyph m-4 , which is a notched palm branch used to indicate the passage of time. As official donor of the archaeological project 'Medjehu' I realized this painting inspired by part of their research: (Hieroglyphs classification by Alan H. Gardiner book).
'Carbon-14, is affected by solar cosmic rays, rapidly oxidizes becoming carbon dioxide, entering the atmospheric carbon cycle, plants and animals absorb it with carbon dioxide, and when they die, they stop exchanging it with the biosphere and carbon decays within times determined by the radioactive decay law, thus, a historical chronology and timeline datation of the artifact, is obtained.'
During the last mission, part of the team was also able to work in the Carter magazines, where the most beautiful pieces discovered in the various Theban necropolises are kept. During these working sessions, we had the pleasure of making a magnificent discovery, or rather
rediscovery, with the identification of the black coffin with yellow decoration from Taat dating from the 18th dynasty, discovered and published by Bruyère in 1933 but which had completely disappeared at the time."
Price on request
'Capo Tribù Dogon'
Mixedmedia on board
40 X 64 X 4 cm
"Art, is a universal aegis."
'Techne (τέχνη)
Mixedmedia on canvas
90 X 60 X 4 cm
Tèchne means "art" (in the sense of "competence", "knowing how to do", "knowing how to operate"). It is the set of rules applied and executed in an activity, both intellectual and manual, or both, as in the case of painting. Literally, from an etymological point of view, it is not difficult to notice the similarity between this term and words like technology and technique. The point of the matter, analyzed in this composition by the artist, is related to the real distance that this word presents in its own meaning in concrete terms. It is absolutely not possible to define in technical terms what art is. In fact, one cannot consider art something that exists in technique, but it is the technique that allows one to move away, once understood, from the technique itself. The term 'Techne' indeed derives from a philosophical world, the Greek one, in which the canon of beauty and art did not exist except for marble sculpture within a human-sized canon, also on the analysis of Protagoras' thought and the construction of temples, as well as architecture. Art does not concern either technique or sculpture, nor the combination of the two in terms of architecture.
Art is an invisible energy that unites all techniques, it is neither one nor the other, nor any other that follows. Art, 'Techne', exists among all.